IAC chart of KRSW
ADC chart of KRSW
Satellite view of KRSW
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KRSW - Southwest Florida Intl

Located in Fort Myers, United States


Data provided by Airmate  

General information

Coordinates: N26°32'10" W81°45'19"
Elevation is 29 feet MSL.
Magnetic variation is -04° East
View others Airports in Florida

Operational data

Special qualification required
Current time UTC:
Current local time:
METAR: KRSW 281453Z 10016G30KT 10SM CLR 25/14 A3024 RMK AO1 PK WND 11031/1428 SLP237 T02500144 50011
TAF: KRSW 281134Z 2812/2912 07008KT P6SM SKC FM281300 07011G20KT P6SM SKC FM290100 09010KT P6SM SKC
View NOTAMs / SUP AIP / TFR affecting this airport [VIEW]
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]


RWY identifierQFULength (ft)Width (ft)SurfaceLDA (ft)

Airport contact information

Address: Fort Myers United States

Satellite view of KRSW

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