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19NK - Riveredge Airpark

Located in Central Square, United States


Data provided by Airmate  

General information

Coordinates: N43°14'38" W76°9'10"
Elevation is 378 feet MSL.
View others Airports in New York

Operational data

Special qualification required
Current time UTC: 00:45:39
Current local time:
Weather at : KSYR - Syracuse Hancock Intl ( 15 km )
METAR: KSYR 132354Z 08006KT 10SM FEW180 BKN220 08/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP153 T00831039 10150 20083 53014
TAF: KSYR 132331Z 1400/1424 08007KT P6SM SCT200 FM140300 00000KT P6SM FEW200 FM141400 12006KT P6SM FEW250
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RWY identifierQFULength (ft)Width (ft)SurfaceLDA (ft)

Airport contact information

Address: Central Square United States

Satellite view of 19NK

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