IAC chart of 4M1
ADC chart of 4M1
Satellite view of 4M1
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4M1 - Carroll County

Located in Berryville, United States

ICAO - 4M1, IATA -

Data provided by Airmate  

General information

Coordinates: N36°22'53" W93°37'28"
Elevation is 1206 feet MSL.
Magnetic variation is 02° East
View others Airports in Arkansas

Operational data

Special qualification required
Current time UTC:
Current local time:
METAR: KFWB 221055Z AUTO 11003KT 10SM OVC043 M03/M04 A3029 RMK AO2 TSNO
View NOTAMs / SUP AIP / TFR affecting this airport [VIEW]
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]


RWY identifierQFULength (ft)Width (ft)SurfaceLDA (ft)

Airport contact information

Address: Berryville United States

Satellite view of 4M1