RKPD - Jeju / Jeongseok
Located in Jeju, Korea, Republic of
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N33°23'54" E126°42'47"
Elevation is 1174 feet MSL.
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Operational data
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Current local time:
Weather at : RKPC - Jeju / Jeju International ( 24 km )
METAR: RKPC 041800Z 32008KT 9999 SCT045 BKN110 11/02 Q1020 NOSIG
TAF: TAF RKPC 041700Z 0418/0524 31011KT 9999 BKN035 BKN140 TN08/0419Z TX12/0505Z TN08/0521Z TEMPO 0420/0424 31015G25KT SCT035 BKN140 BECMG 0501/0503 31015G25KT BECMG 0508/0510 31012KT TEMPO 0511/0515 6000 -RA BECMG 0517/0518 31015G25KT
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
RWY identifier | QFU | Length (ft) | Width (ft) | Surface | LDA (ft) |
01 | 360° | 7546 | 148 | ASP | |
19 | 180° | 7546 | 148 | ASP | |
15 | 142° | 2953 | 82 | ASP | |
33 | 322° | 2953 | 82 | ASP |
Airport contact information
Address: Jeju Korea, Republic of