LQBU - Sarajevo/Butmir
Located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N43°48'45" E18°20'30"
Elevation is 1698 feet MSL.
View others Airports in Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina
Operational data
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Current time UTC:
Current local time:
Weather at : LQSA - Sarajevo International Airport ( 2 km )
METAR: LQSA 211830Z VRB02KT 7000 SCT020 OVC040 00/M00 Q1021 NOSIG
TAF: TAF LQSA 211700Z 2118/2218 VRB02KT 6000 BKN040 TX05/2213Z TNM06/2206Z TEMPO 2121/2214 1500 BR BKN003 PROB30 TEMPO 2202/2210 0100 FZFG BKN001 PROB30 TEMPO 2210/2215 27012KT PROB30 TEMPO 2215/2218 13012KT
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
Airport contact information
Address: Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina