EIBB - Ballyboughal Dublin
Located in 4.5 Nm N Of Eidw, Ireland
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N53°30'21" W6°14'16"
Elevation is 50 feet MSL.
Magnetic variation is -2° East View others Airports in County Wicklow
Operational data
Special qualification required
Current time UTC:
Current local time:
Weather at : EIDW - Dublin International ( 10 km )
TAF: TAF EIDW 111700Z 1118/1218 09005KT 9999 BKN020 BECMG 1207/1209 VRB03KT TEMPO 1214/1217 13005KT
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
RWY identifier | QFU | Length (ft) | Width (ft) | Surface | LDA (ft) |
03 | 24° | 1269 | 60 | GRAS | |
21 | 204° | 1269 | 60 | GRAS |
Airport contact information
Address: 4.5 Nm N Of Eidw Ireland