EGSE42 - Hunsdon
Located in , United Kingdom
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N51°48'28" E0°4'11"
Elevation is 254 feet MSL.
View others Airports in England
Operational data
Special qualification required
Current time UTC: 01:57:28
Current local time:
Weather at : EGSS - London Stansted ( 14 km )
METAR: EGSS 020150Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 NCD M02/M02 Q1036
TAF: TAF EGSS 012251Z 0200/0306 VRB02KT CAVOK TEMPO 0200/0210 4000 BR PROB30 0203/0209 0700 FZFG VV/// PROB30 TEMPO 0222/0224 6000 PROB40 0300/0306 3000 BR
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
RWY identifier | QFU | Length (ft) | Width (ft) | Surface | LDA (ft) |
03 | 0° | 1377 | 65 | GRASS | |
21 | 0° | 1377 | 65 | GRASS | |
08 | 0° | 1476 | 62 | GRASS | |
26 | 0° | 1476 | 62 | GRASS | |
14 | 0° | 1148 | 98 | GRASS | |
32 | 0° | 1148 | 98 | GRASS |
Airport contact information
Address: United Kingdom
Satellite view of EGSE42
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