EEPA - Paslepa
Located in , Estonia
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N59°1'7" E23°29'22"
Elevation is feet MSL.
View others Airports in Lääne County
Operational data
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Current time UTC: 10:09:36
Current local time:
Weather at : EEKA - Kardla ( 38 km )
METAR: EEKA 180950Z AUTO 32006KT 290V350 9999 FEW029/// SCT080/// OVC110/// M00/M04 Q1018
TAF: TAF EEKA 180800Z 1809/1818 29010KT 9999 BKN030 TEMPO 1809/1813 23008KT SCT010 SCT015CB TEMPO 1813/1815 3000 SN BKN010 BECMG 1817/1819 36014KT PROB40 TEMPO 1819/1821 36018G30KT
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
Airport contact information
Address: Estonia
Satellite view of EEPA
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