CJR3 - Grace Lake
Located in The Pas, Canada
Data provided by AirmateGeneral information
Coordinates: N53°49'35" W101°12'19"
Elevation is 873 feet MSL.
Magnetic variation is 5.8934° East View others Airports in Manitoba
Operational data
Special qualification required
Current time UTC:
Current local time:
Weather at : CYQD - The Pas ( 18 km )
METAR: CYQD 112100Z AUTO 28011KT 9SM OVC032 M26/M30 A3026 RMK SLP289
TAF: TAF CYQD 111840Z 1119/1207 30010KT P6SM BKN030 TEMPO 1119/1207 5SM -SN IC BKN020 BECMG 1201/1203 29006KT RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS. NXT FCST BY 120100Z
Communications frequencies: [VIEW]
RWY identifier | QFU | Length (ft) | Width (ft) | Surface | LDA (ft) |
08 | 89° | 3265 | 50 | GRAVE | 3265 |
26 | 269° | 3265 | 50 | GRAVE | 3265 |
17 | 179° | 2853 | 65 | GRAVE | 2853 |
35 | 359° | 2853 | 65 | GRAVE | 2853 |
Airport contact information
Address: The Pas Canada